isn't this just the cutest mug ever??
P.S: sheeps are not my favourites, it's just a coincedence :P
JAD has started a voting inorder to determine which mug is the cutest, mine or his... so he claimed that his mug has won but still, give it much more time...
lol , yeah i like it !
mine is the cutest!
I have cute penguin mug
it is the cutest !
for those who said it's the cutest... thank u :)
jad u'll just have to show it or other wise mine just wins :P
Ghaloosh, yeah sure, it's on my todo list :-) just let me get to office tomorrow and take shot for it
not only is it cute, but I love the colors too.
lol ma ashna3oh!
osray... yeah i like this combination of colours, green,yellow and sometimes u can add purple to that..
lizard of oz... i'm so open minded, i can take such a comment, i'm not gonna hunt u and kill u just for such comment or would i??
I just want to tell you eno I took some shots for my mug but I forgot the camra cable :(
anyway my mug besalim 3aliki we begolek ana a7la men magek :p
note; we missed you in yesterday meeting.
jad.. until u show us the mug well sorry to tell u but u have no case here :P
hope u enjoyed the meeting yesterday ;)
Here ya go! my mug photo set is out! check my blog
wa yafooz jad madi be ja2ezat Super Mug el 3arab
BAAAA I like your mug..... tell my dad to buy me one ... he is not accepting :(
look at the cute muggy mug
updating your post will NOT help you
here is the deal
If you win, I'll invite you to coffee
and If I win you will invite me to coffee
deal ?
Awww, thats cute!
Its cute i agree
Ghaloosh, are you counting votes?
grayfox, ohoud and mira thank u :)
jad i guess mbayneh, mine is the cutest :P
tayeb ma3nato el gahweh 3ali
7adidi el makan we el zaman
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