Monday, December 05, 2005

technology or?

yesterday we officially started using the new machines, i came to work a little bit late (hushh, don't tell any one) and like a very civilized person i went directly to the machine (placed at our floor) and i checked in, as i was in a hurry i didn't wait to see if the machine accepted the code or not... two hours later i was talking with some girl and she told me that the machine on our floor wasn't configured yet and all the employees had to use another machine... i went like huh??!!!! but , i checked in from that machine !!! i picked up the phone and called the HR and told them my story... they were so understanding... if only you could see el 3aj2a by the end of the day when all the employees had to check out!!!! OMG, i waited 15 mints for my turn.. el mafrood that they placed a machine in every floor but some aren't working yet..

today i came to work, again a little bit late( again don't tell any one, this time with serious tone :P) i ran into the machine (the only working one) to find out that there was a line of people waiting to use it, i looked at my watch, it's not supposed to be 3aj2a as i was late..
the funniest part was that this machine went down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's not working either !!!!!!
so most of the employees today didn't check in!!!!!!! so most of the employees i guess will leave early today !!!!!! i'm still laughing...
The whole idea of those machines is to control el dawam, but the opposite just happened..
finally, technology is doing us a big favor.... or is it the opposite of technology that is standing on our side??


Madi said...

I'm not sure why people are so picky about working time, Where I work we care more about productivity rather than When you arrive or left.
And actually this flexibility makes some kind of loyalty to the place you work in, I don't have any problem to work in weekend, work extra hours and they don't have a problem when I leave at 4:00PM (two hours before end of working day) or even sometimes before...

ghaloosh said...

it's a dream, believe me...
i don't mind working extra hours, but i can't stand being there so early !!!!

Anonymous said...

You are NOT a geek then.

Madi said...

The anonymous is me, I didn't notice I'm not logged in..

ghaloosh said...

am i supposed to be?? :P

x said...

I love it when technology backfires.

I saw this one van Dam movie, and to fool his capturers, he pretty much salakh the skin on his thmub, and used it for fingerprint validation, using a Van Dam made contraption.

I guess you should do the same, and give your thumb skin to your friend.

ghaloosh said...

wallah ya omar '7atret 3ala balna ;p