Monday, January 16, 2006



they always say to look higher and walk with our heads up...
that's what i did and i found a spider on the ceiling..
is it a sign or just a coincidence?? :p


Madi said...

tab give us a clue?

ghaloosh said...

ino there was 7aki but i don't know where it went :P

GraY FoX said...

it's a sign that you were about to become a spider woman if you didnt look
yalla still you are great whethere you became a comics hero or not

Madi said...


Oscar R. Warren said...

It is definately a sign. The sign of the spider! The spider is looking at you and wishing you were a bigggg fly. Now you know.

Dar said...

i gss u looked too high :P :)